“The field is the sole governing agency of the particle."
Quantum Bodywork is a healing modality that combines deep tissue massage, Reiki energy medicine techniques, and a private sound bath with the rejuvenating power of infrared therapy.
Why Quantum?
Our existence extends far beyond the visible, with about 99% of us being electrically charged space, a combination of matter and energetic frequency. We comprise intricate amalgams of mental waves, emotional currents, subconscious desires, and spiritual wisdom.
Nurturing this subtle energetic body (SEB) can lead to a life marked by alignment, vitality, and holistic health, while neglecting it may result in imbalances and dis-ease.
In the session, I attune to your energy system, eliminate vibrational disturbances, and restore balance to your physical and subtle bodies.
The combination of modalities facilitates the release of negative or stagnant energies and the unblocking of emotional patterns that may be linked to anxiety, stress, or depression. This process often unveils the root causes of disruptions and allows for true healing.
After a session, experiences of sudden awakenings, miraculous insights, quantum leaps in thought, intensified dreams, and heightened non-ordinary awareness are frequently reported. Clients may also experience heightened emotions, connect with past loved ones, or even establish direct contact with their Higher Self
To complete your session, we will discuss what 'homework,' or continued coaching practices that might be beneficial in continuing your journey
The quantum field, often known as the zero-point field, source field, or the field of possibilities is the very essence of our reality is formed. It is described as a boundless source of energy potentials, intelligence, and consciousness existing beyond our senses. In the movie ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’ we are give a beautiful example of how this field operates to create our reality through the power of intention, thought, and emotional vibration.
And…it’s not so woo-woo anymore! Modern science advocates such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Greg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and organizations like the HeartMath Institute are aligning with ancient quantum wisdom, recognizing the profound connection between our energetic field and overall health.
Specifically studies by Dr. Joe Dispenza and the HeartMath Institute have unveiled the profound connection between accessing the quantum field and the initiation of spontaneous healing. This emerging frontier in health and well-being explores how the quantum field holds the key to unlocking the body's innate ability to rejuvenate and restore itself.
It is important to note that access to the Quantum Field occurs in the NOW. It isn’t a future occurrence, therefore, our ability to be present is the key to accessing this ineffable realm of possibilities.
Unprocessed trauma keeps us dissociated and disconnected from ourselves and the present moment, hindering our access to the quantum field and its healing potential.
To heal holistically, addressing trauma in the body is a vital first step in opening to the present moment, the field, and crafting a life of joy and abundance. This is done by deep meditative, embodied practices like breathwork, and massage.
Energy medicine is a remarkable practice that delves into the subtle energy field, working to harmonize and heal any blockages, tears, or misalignments within our aura.
Given that energy precedes material manifestation, refining the subtle field serves as the foundation for healing to ripple through every dimension of our existence.
By utilizing a variety of techniques, including meditation and visualization, energy medicine training guides the alignment of your energy flow, promoting equilibrium in your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.
If you're interested in delving deeper into the world of energy medicine, consider exploring the pioneering work of Barbara Brennan in her book "Hands of Light" for additional insights and information.
The subtle energetic body, or personal auric field, is a complex network of energetic meridians comprising multiple bands of energy that envelop the body and connect us to the external world. In Eastern philosophy, these layers are identified as Chakras, which distribute life essence (known as Prana, Reiki, Chi, or Mu) through various channels called Nadis, infusing life force into every cell, muscle, organ, and gland.
Barbara Brennan aptly states, "We are like sponges in the energy sea around us. It is important to open the chakras and increase our energy flow because the more energy we allow to flow, the healthier we become." Illness arises from an energy imbalance or blockage, as this energy is intricately linked to consciousness, shaping our perceptions and experiences.
Going deeper, within the subtle energetic body, various bio-fields regulate mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical functions.
These bodies include the etheric, physical, emotional, mental, heart, communication, third eye, and universal centers.
Beyond the well-known chakras, additional layers exist, including the karmic root chakra, two distinct heart centers, and five chakra bodies that connect us to the collective unconscious, Akashic records, Angelic Realms, alternate dimensions, and individual soul history. The well-being of each layer is vital for the health of the entire organism.
Quantum Bodywork, Meditation, and Breathwork offer a detailed exploration of the subtle energetic body's anatomy, elucidating the interplay between its layers and guiding you in clearing any blockages or misalignments within your own Auric Field.
Everything in this world is made up of energy, and all energy vibrates. Energy vibrating at different rates, or frequencies, produces the objects we perceive as being solid matter…even ourselves. In a sense, we all have a unique 'song' or frequency that we emit depending on our state of health. When we are stressed, sick, or not able to process our Earthly experiences-emotions completely our vibrations become lowered, blocked, congested, stuck, or chaotic. In the end all dis-ease is just a lowering of frequency.
Vibrational Sound Healing is the key to making space to restore the energy field to its full potential. Within the world of sound therapy, resonance is the most important component. The human physiology resonates at specific frequencies or vibrations for optimal health. Specific organs and body systems emit sound frequencies. At a cellular level, all cells emit a sound frequency in the course of enacting their metabolic processes. Our thoughts and emotions also emit different energy, and therefore, different sound waves that affect the whole. Every second within the body, a symphony of activity is constantly playing out.
In sound healing, resonance principles are employed to re-harmonize cells that have been imprinted with disruptive frequencies. Such troublesome imprints may have been a result of toxic substances, injections, emotional traumas, pathogens, long-term exposure to noise pollution, or chronic negative thinking. Sound also acts upon cellular channels to elicit a healing response. Situated within a cellular membrane, ion channels are the means by which the cell receives nourishment and communicates with neighboring cells and the outside world.
In toxic cells, some of these vital channels are shut down causing cells to literally fall asleep. Sound opens the closed channels, supporting the cell to awaken and resume normal functioning and replication.
During vibrational sound therapy new vibrations are introduced to the field that may calm, cleanse, and restore order to dysfunctional energetic patters. The result is a positive centering sensation that can lead to higher consciousness. Sound healing has been clinically shown to support people suffering from stress related disorder and chronic pain, as well as patients undergoing cancer treatments. As research in the felid expands and intensifies, the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new and honored science in the contemporized world. There is now a mass of research into the healing benefits of ultrasound, including its use in breaking up kidney stones and shrinking tumor. In addition, infrasound and audible sound are now also recognized as having immense healing properties.
* Relaxation of tension and stress
* Deeper meditation
* Lowering of blood pressure
* Relief of pain
* Accelerated healing of wounds and fractures
* Improved pre-and-post surgical outcomes
* Enhanced mental acuity and release of blocked emotions
90 Minute Session: $185
2 Hour Session, $240
2.5 Hours, $300